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Expires On: Thursday, 20 March, 2025  15:15
Price: (Not Provided)

Pleated Mosquito Net Pleated Mosquito Net Pleated Net Doors are retractable screen doors to protect the indoors from insects, dust, and pollution. These sliding screen doors are simple and flexible to use and easy to store. Also, such folding screen doors look pleasant and aid the freshness in the room. You can use them as an innovative screening solution for windows, doors, French doors or large openings as retractable insect screens.

We provide innovative mosquito screening solutions for windows, door screen, French doors or large openings with pleated screens solution. Pleated screens are decorative yet clearly visible and can be operated effortlessly by children and elderlies without any sophisticated technique. No retracting force is required to open or close the screens. Stops at any required location and the screen can be stored the way in the protective housing when not in use that keeps the mesh clean, invisible and safe from potential damages.

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