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Finance Expert Witness Los Angeles California

Expires On: Wednesday, 19 March, 2025  09:56
Price: (Not Provided)

ValuEconomics, Inc. provides expert opinions on economic damages, valuation of businesses and other economic and financial issues. This expert witness service is implemented through the efforts of Dr. Jules H. Kamin, its president. Dr. Kamin is exceptionally qualified to be an economic expert witness and a financial expert witness by his education and extensive experience in financial and economic analysis in industry, consulting, academia and litigation. Although our practice is focused on southern California, we have been retained in California and across the United States. Thus we are a Los Angeles Business Valuation firm and a Los Angeles expert witness firm as well as Expert Witness California.

We provide expert opinions on damages, valuation of businesses and other financial issues. This expert witness service is implemented through the efforts of Dr. Jules H. Kamin, its president.

Our business valuation services apply to appraisal of closely held businesses and of partial business interests, including valuation of equity and debt components of capital structure.

Call ValuEconomics Inc. at 323-653-9555 or visit our website https://valu-econ.com/ » to know more about “Finance Expert Witness Los Angeles California » ”.

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