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Trane FAN2136 2-Blade Fan 13.65" 30 Deg 1/2" CCW | PartsHnC (Chicago)

Expires On: Sunday, 06 April, 2025  13:28
Price: $161.00

The Trane FAN2136 is a replacement fan for Trane HVAC systems including furnaces and air conditioners. This two-blade fan is 13.65" in diameter with 30-degree angled blades. The design of this system allows for efficient airflow movement within the system. However, the CCW rotation further directs the airflow in the correct direction.

For an efficient and reliable HVAC system, the Trane Blade Fan » is a great choice for optimal system performance.

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https://www.partshnc.com/1365-30deg-12-ccw-2bld-fan-5 »

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