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Southbend 3-S543 Blow Down Solenoid Valve, 120V | PartsFe UK (Chicago)

Expires On: Friday, 04 April, 2025  14:53
Price: $368.00

The Southbend 3-S543 Range Blow Down Solenoid Valve is used to manage the water flow of the cooking equipment and it works at 120V. This is an electromechanical equipment that uses an electromagnetic solenoid to open or close the valve depending on the need of drainage of excess water a function that is es for the actual cooking process to take place. Advantages include increased effectiveness in its operation, lower workload, and reduced dangers of overflow. Its high reliability makes it a part of many models, guaranteeing stable operation in a highly-stressful environment, such as a kitchen.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest on Southbend Solenoid Valve » that ensure long-lasting performance

Southbend, #3-S543, #PartsFeUK, #PartsFeUKbuzz, #restaurantowner,#restaurantequipmentparts, #kitchenequipmentparts

https://www.partsfe.co.uk/southbend-3-s543-blow-down-solenoid-valve »

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