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Frymaster 8071266 Fryer Filter Motor 240V | PartsFe Canada (Chicago)

Expires On: Thursday, 03 April, 2025  14:59
Price: $690.00

The Frymaster 8071266 Fryer Filter Motor is a 240V with a 1/3 horsepower motor that is used in commercial kitchens. It runs at an RPM of 1725 and effectively circulates oil in the filtration process so that the foods stay crispy and unadulterated by dirt. This also serves to increase the life of frying oil, decrease operational time associated w food quality.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in Frymaster Fryer Filter Motor » that ensure long-lasting performance

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https://partsfe.ca/8071266-frymaster-motor-fryer-filter-240v »

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