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T&S Brass BGFE Spout Adapter - Garden Hose | PartsFe (Chicago)

Expires On: Saturday, 29 March, 2025  16:05
Price: $29.00

The T&S Brass BGFE Spout Adapter - Garden Hose is a practical accessory designed to convert a standard faucet spout into a garden hose connection. This adapter is particularly useful in commercial kitchens, food service areas, and other settings where a readily available garden hose connection is needed for cleaning or filling purposes. Constructed from durable brass, it ensures long-lasting performance and resistance to corrosion.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in T&S Brass Spout Adapter Garden Hose » that ensure long-lasting performance.

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https://partsfe.com/bgfe-t-s-hose-adaptor »

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