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Accutemp AT2B2099-1 Infrared Burner, 9-1/8" X 17-3/4" X 3-3/8" | PartsFe (Chicago)

Expires On: Thursday, 27 March, 2025  16:45
Price: $273.00

The Accutemp AT2B2099-1 Infrared Burner is a robust and efficient heating element designed for commercial cooking equipment. Measuring 9-1/8" x 17-3/4" x 3-3/8", this burner harnesses infrared technology to deliver intense, direct heat, significantly reducing preheating times and improving cooking consistency. The burner functions by emitting infrared radiation, which directly heats the cookware, minimizing heat loss and ensuring even cooking across the surface.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in Accutemp Infrared Burner » that ensure long-lasting performance.

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https://partsfe.com/at2b2099-1-accutemp-ir-burner »

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