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True 990957 600mm Drawer Roller Bracket Kit, TRCB | PartsFe (Chicago)

Expires On: Saturday, 22 March, 2025  15:50
Price: $216.00

The True 990957 Roller Bracket Kit TRCB 600mm is a sturdy and effective part of a tool that helps to provide correct and smooth operation of drawers. This kit consists of roller brackets only which are made for 600mm drawers and these roller brackets provide smooth gliding and better functionality. It is particularly suitable for use because its construction is high, providing stability and reducing the extent of harm.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in True Drawer Roller Bracket Kit » that ensure long-lasting performance.

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https://partsfe.com/990957-true-drawer-roller-brkt-kit-trcb-600mm »

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