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True 811502 White Plastic Elbow Drain | PartsFe (Chicago)

Expires On: Saturday, 15 March, 2025  14:35
Price: $32.00

The True 811502 White Plastic Elbow Drain serves as an indispensable system component that provides effective condensate drainage for numerous refrigeration units. This white plastic elbow meets specifications for use with TUC series 44, 60, 60G, 93 and TWT series 44, 93 refrigeration units and GDM coolers and T coolers thus providing commercial kitchens and food service establishments with a versatile drainage solution.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in True Refrigerator Elbow Drain » that ensure long-lasting performance.

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https://partsfe.com/elbow-drain-for-true-part-811502 »

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