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Vollrath 379056 Onion Corer, InsTA-BLOOM,LRG | PartsFe Canada (Chicago)

Expires On: Saturday, 15 March, 2025  10:15
Price: $152.00

The Vollrath 379056 Onion Corer, part of the Insta-Bloom line, is a large-sized tool designed for efficiently coring onions.This corer simplifies the process of removing the onion core, preparing onions for slicing, dicing, or other culinary uses. Its design likely focuses on speed and ease of use, making it ideal for high-volume food preparation.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in Vollrath Onion Corer InsTA-BLOOM LRG » That ensure long-lasting performance

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https://partsfe.ca/379056-vollrathidea-medalie-coreronion-insta-bloomlrg »

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