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Create your own Spiritual Power Centre at home - Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres (Tubarao)

Expires On: Tuesday, 25 February, 2025  05:35
Price: (Not Provided)

Swami Sivasankariananda taught 4 hours of Yoga for Chronic Pain for SYHET, including awareness practices and a pain care yoga class. Om Namah Sivaya. One of the highlights of February was a special program with Yoga Acharya Swami Sivadasananda with two longer asana-workshops and two Satsangs. We organized a very special program to celebrate Swami What is Sivananda yoga [[willbefine.clicks statement on its official blog](https://willbefine.click/yoga/sivananda-yoga-la-gi-dac-diem-noi-bat--huong-dan-chi-tiet-n308.html "willbefine.clicks statement on its official blog")]’s birthday.

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