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Interventional Pain Physician in Topeka

Expires On: Thursday, 13 March, 2025  01:53
Price: (Not Provided)

Kansas Pain Management provides comprehensive interventional pain management services in the Overland Park, Lawrence, Leavenworth/Lansing, and Ottawa, Kansas areas. We are a team of nationally recognized and award winning physicians.

We are currently a team of 8 best pain doctors in Overland Kansas Region .

Dr. Mayank Gupta is a board-certified, fellowship-trained interventional pain management physician. He is the president and CEO of KSIPP (Kansas Society of Interventional Pain Physician). He was the Chairman of the Department of Surgery at St Luke’s Cushing Memorial Hospital from 2014-2018. He had served as President of the House Staff Association at Jhon H. Stroger Cook County Hospital in Chicago, IL.

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