Home / Electronics / Air Conditioning
Trane FAN4074 3-Blade Fan 27.6" 19 Deg 1/2" CCW | PartsHnC (Chicago)

Expires On: Friday, 11 April, 2025  14:59
Price: $136.00

The Trane FAN4074 is a 27.6" 3-blade fan for Trane HVAC equipment. It is essentialin circulating air through the system. This fan is CCW and has blades at 19 degrees. This particular design is for pushing air through the unit efficiently and properly heating or cooling as required. This Trane fan is made from durable materials and built to last to provide long-term performance in your HVAC system.

For an efficient and reliable HVAC system, the Trane Blade Fan » is a great choice for optimal system performance.

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https://www.partshnc.com/276-19deg-12-ccw-3bld-fan-5 »

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