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ISO 9001 Certification in UAE: A Pathway to Sustainable Growth (UAE)

Expires On: Wednesday, 05 March, 2025  15:09
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ISO 9001 is an international standard of QMS to be adopted by any business organization with scope to improvement in working so that such a business can effectively demonstrate their ability to offer the products or services that not only meet their customer's needs and expectations but also fulfill their legal requirements. The basis for such a management standard is upon certain broad principles of customer focus, leadership, people involvement, and empowerment; approach to all these improvements within processes. The companies in the United Arab Emirates, ISO 9001 certified will have many benefits such as an increase in customer confidence, improvement of internal activities, a strong reputation in the marketplace, and also a stronger footing for the future. ISO 9001 certification in UAE has come to be considered as a prerequisite for those business organizations that aspire to have better competitive advantage and diversified entry into the UAE market. Amongst the small and large-scale business units, both do possess ISO 9001 certification, providing systematic steps toward the quality management approach and aligning the business procedures. This enables the firms to provide efficiency, waste fewer unnecessary costs and increase customer satisfaction in this challenging business environment of the UAE.

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