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Kason 58L05021 Safeg Urad Radial Latch | PartsFe Canada (Chicago)

Expires On: Thursday, 27 March, 2025  09:25
Price: $158.00

The Kason 58L05021 Safeguard Radial Latch functions as a premium deep fryer latch solution. The safety latch creates a solid locking mechanism which stops accidental openings while the equipment operates. The device utilizes strong materials to deliver enduring performance under challenging environmental conditions.

To keep your restaurant running smoothly, it's crucial to invest in Kason Safeg Urad Radial Latch » that ensure long-lasting performance

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https://partsfe.ca/58l05021-kason-kason-10058l05021safeg-urad-radial-latch »

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