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Education of the World's Wealthiest (Nagpur)

Expires On: Friday, 28 February, 2025  10:20
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Understand how education influenced some of the most affluent people alive, from Jeff Bezos’ degree in engineering to Elon Musk who started pursuing a doctorate, and Mark Zuckerberg who dropped out of Harvard. Each of the stories of their academic university lives were diverse approaches to grand success. Appreciate how distinguished universities, visionary ways of thinking, and entrepreneurial spirit have directed them through the realization of billions.

“Is a college degree the real key to billions?” The world’s richest people break not only the bank but also quite mighty interesting educational norms. Here are the educational stories of Ivy-league elite dropouts and some people who have taken quite unconventional career paths to wealth.

The educational backgrounds of the richest individuals in the world

Elon Musk

The CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, studied at Queen’s University in Canada before relocating to the US to attend the University of Pennsylvania to get degrees in physics and business. Thus, he was able to realize his goal to be more contemporary with technology and entrepreneurship. He pursued a PhD in energy physics at Stanford University in California as a result of his desire to learn more. He barely stayed at Stanford for two days before deciding to leave school to focus on his business endeavors. Despite never finishing the degree, Musk’s school experience greatly influenced his groundbreaking concepts in business and technology-related fields. Visit sites »

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