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Master Multimedia with an M.Sc. from Chennai’s Top College (Chennai)

Expires On: Monday, 24 February, 2025  14:54
Price: $145000.00

CHENNAI ANIMATION COLLEGE offers industry relevant courses and is committed to skilling the youth. CAC not only provides our students technical skills, but also empowers them with interpersonal skills, which are mandatory for a good job.

We are one of the Top Most and Best Animation College Based on Chennai.


The M.Sc. in Multimedia and animation program at CAC is a 2 -year, full-time program that enables you to gain expertise knowledge in various facets of the Multimedia industry, including Graphic Designing, Web Designing, Animations, Visual Effect, UI Designing, and Game Designing..

Multimedia and animation course is a perfect blend of Practical knowledge and theory skill building in various techniques


CALL : 8610603362 /044-79630802
WEB : www.chennaianimationcollege.com

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