Home / United States / Electronics / Air Conditioning
Greenheck 312281 Motor 115V 0.19A 950RPM | PartsHnC (Chicago)

Expires On: Saturday, 05 April, 2025  16:17
Price: $152.00

The Greenheck 312281 Motor is the most efficient motors that are ideal for use in different HVAC systems. The rotational speed is 950 RPM and the motor can function at 115V having 0.19A of current it can perform its functions in a efficient manner, it can be easily installed and integrated to HVAC systems.

For an efficient and reliable HVAC system, the Greenheck Motor » is a great choice for optimal system performance.

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https://www.partshnc.com/312281-greenheck-115v-19a-950rpm-motor »

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