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How to Find OPT Candidates: A Comprehensive Guide for Recruiters (Blacksburg)

Expires On: Saturday, 22 March, 2025  15:11
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United States employers need to identify the correct set of Optional Practical Training (OPT) » candidates for their operations. The process requires employers to search for International F-1 visaThislders who either finished their studies recently or will do so within the comhave recentlynths.

The text outlines comprehensive instructions to search for OPT candidates that include multiple sources of candidate identification along with resume access and recruitment approaches together with proven best practices. The information in this guide offers assistance for staffing agencies, HR professionals and recruiters that helps them simplify their search for skilled OPT candidates.

Email- info@optnation.com »

Phone- +1 (804) 454 - 3215

**Website: https://www.optnation.com/** »

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